
PyStudio’s consulting group helps organizations of all types and sizes evolve from retrospective analytics that describe the past toward prospective analytics that predict the future.

Our consulting projects are typically organized by addressing one or more life cycle phases of a predictive analytics project. In addition, we provide guidance and solutions for how to leverage cloud services to accomplish analytic goals.

Identify Opportunities

Effective predictive analytics projects start by asking the right questions and identifying the most strategic and impactful opportunities. The PyStudio consulting group can help facilitate conversations, identify opportunities, and assess organizational readiness for various opportunities.

Develop Data Sets

Predictive analytics projects often require that data from multiple source systems be merged to develop datasets to train predictive models. PyStudio’s consultants can help support all aspects of data set development including documentation, validation, cloud infrastructure, and custom software development to extract, transform, and assemble data sets.

Train Models

Selecting an appropriate predictive model, training the model, and assessing its accuracy requires highly specialized skills. PyStudio’s data scientists can help support your internal resources or can provide a fully managed solution for model training. Furthermore, we can help develop a cost-effective cloud strategy for model training.

Deploy Models

Predictive models are of little utility if they cannot be easily deployed and consumed. Depending on your organization’s internal resources, PyStudio will develop the right cloud strategy for deploying, monitoring, and updating models to ensure last mile implementation.